ASIAWATER 2024, the region’s leading water & wastewater platform for developing Asia, will return at the heart of modern Malaysia’s city centre, the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, from the 23 – 25 April 2024, with the central theme “Water and Climate Change: Innovation for Resilience”.
The 13th edition of ASIAWATER is set to welcome over 20,000 quality trade attendees, consisting of leading water and wastewater industry professionals and community from around the region as well as the globe, coming together in search of the latest solutions, technology, and products. Converging water professionals and over 1,000 exhibiting brands and companies on one comprehensive platform, ASIAWATER 2024 sets the stage for the transformational policies and driving change for the regions water and wastewater service industry, as we see leading industry thought leaders and experts deliberate on current industry matters, paving the way for effective solutions at our flagship Conferences & Seminars.
Website of the organizer
More information about ASIAWATER 2024 in AUMA's trade fair database
Further Events
Every year, the foreign trade fair programme comprises around 250 trade fair participations worldwide. At you will find an overview of the current and planned German Pavilions.
German Pavilion
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) decides on, and supports, official participations in the Federal Republic of Germany's international trade fairs and exhibition programme. In addition to policy and budgetary issues, the active involvement in the presentation of Germany at international fairs and exhibitions is of prime importance. In a constant dialogue with private-sector partners, the division for international / national trade fairs and exhibitions of the ministry backs the export activities of German industry on international markets.
Furthermore, the "fairs and exhibitions division" is concerned with planning and implementing German participation in world expositions abroad and with major political issues regarding fairs and exhibitions in Germany.
The AUMA - Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, represents the interests of the trade fair industry on a national and international level in dealings with parliament, ministries, authorities and other organisations.
The association organises the official German trade fair programme abroad in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
As part of this programme, the Federal Government provides financial assistance for German participations at foreign events, but also for independent presentations by German industry abroad.
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Association of the German Trade Fair Industry